Key Elements for a Successful Design

Entice Readers with your Offer!

An offer gives buyers more incentive to respond. Campaigns with offers get better response than those without. Suggested Offers: Free Sample, Free Catalog, Free Trial, Free Demo, Limited Time Offer, etc.

Sell the Offer, not the Product

The goal is to get the reader to respond, so concentrate on selling the benefits of responding and receiving the offer.

Design Tips

Grab Readers's Attention with your Headline

Make a BOLD STATEMENT that captures attention and/or highlights the quality of your product or service.

Use White Space

Leaving white or empty space keeps the design simple and uncluttered, so the reader's eye focuses on only the key elements and doesn't become overwhelmed.

List Key Benefits

Use phrases and tag lines that describe the most outstanding aspects of your product or service – in short, simple sentences.

Use a Call to Action Early & Often

Tell the customer exactly what you want them to do and/or give a compelling reason to respond NOW. For example: Contact Us Today to Receive More Info or Special Offers.

Set a Time Frame

Set a time frame for responding to create a sense of urgency for response. For Example: Limited Time Offer, Available While Supplies Last, etc.

Keep Copy Short

Increase readability and comprehension of copy by separating longer paragraphs into shorter paragraphs and/or presenting key points as a series of bullets.

Track Leads with a Promo/Coupon Code

Adding a promo/coupon code is helpful for tracking purposes and so readers can redeem the offer online or over the phone (Example: Enter Promo Code DEK0000).

Choose Images for Impact

Use only your best photo or piece of art as a focal point, rather than multiple images that fight for attention.

Ask Qualifying Questions

Ask qualifying questions on the reply side of your postcard. For Example: I'm interested in receiving more info, Please send me a Free Sample and Catalog, etc.

Online Support