Our VET-DEK database covers the entire spectrum of the veterinary market both clinical and non-clinical. The list is selectable by several different types of facilities, from clinics to zoos. You can participate in our upscale self mailer, send a solo email blast, rent our mailing list or lease all or any part of our database including phones, mailing addresses and email addresses.
VET-DEK, The Next Generation is distributed via mail to virtually all of the small animal veterinary clinics as well as dealers and distributors of veterinary products and supplies across the USA […]
Our multi channel marketing approach makes it easy for your potential customers to learn about your products/services in the media that they prefer, print, online or email. They can reply by going to your website, or calling you directly. Building synergy for your brand and growing your sales. Your high quality ad is mailed to 30,000; emailed to 40,000 as part of the VET eDEK; and featured online at VET-DEK.com
Email Marketing to over 40,000 veterinarians nationwide. Each email marketing campaign includes a match back report providing counts of views and clicks. We even share the email and, when available, the mailing address of those contacts that click on any of your links.
Learn MoreRent our mailing list of veterinarians or veterinary facilities. Selectable geographically, by type of facility and specialty. 1 time use, annual and unlimited programs are available.
View Data CardVET-DEK.com is an online marketing site connecting buyers and sellers in the veterinary market.
Visit VET-DEKCreate high quality sales leads that lead to sales.
Generate calls to your 800# from pre-qualified interested buyers.
Drive traffic to your website…use a landing page to promote a special offer and track email marketing results.
Promote your niche market trade show exhibit cost-effectively and reach the 90% of the veterinary market not attending the show.
Build your brand; we are the only medium that reaches 30,000 veterinary offices in direct mail plus 40,000 via email marketing.
Spend about 5 cents per contact for a direct mail campaign…you save over 90% of the cost of doing your own campaign and we do all the work. We offer complimentary creative services for both direct mail and email programs We offer very competitive multi-media frequency packages.
“Time after time my experience with the Email Blasts from VET-DEK prove to be very successful. The response rate is encouraging and very timely. We are not only paying to put our name and offer out there in the several days that veterinarians are viewing the blast, but in the following week we receive a spread sheet that gives us an abundance of information from perspective customers so we can make contact and send them additional information. I also recommend their Art Department. They are experienced with creating the type of message that reaches the most qualified prospects without hiccups or confusion. I continue this practice as a part of my advertising scheme. I’ve been in business going on 40 years and have routinely used the different advertising programs that VET-DEK offers.”
“We’ve enjoyed working with VET-DEK for over four years now. We’re not set up to have 30-40 sales reps on the road so we rely heavily on leads from our advertising. We appreciate the variety of opportunities VET-DEK offers including direct mail marketing, email marketing, mini-catalogs and online ads. Response to VET-DEK has been excellent. I recently called on a new customer, who pulled out our card in VET-DEK. We know these decks are getting out to the right people and that they’re being opened and used.”